Ubuntu Terminator useful shortcuts

Screenshot of the Terminator

 Ctrl+Shift+X -  Toggle between  showing  all  terminals  and  only  showing  the current

 Ctrl+Shift+O - Split terminals Horizontally.

 Ctrl+Shift+E - Split terminals Vertically.

Ctrl+Shift+Right - Move parent dragbar Right.

 Ctrl+Shift+Left - Move parent dragbar Left.

Ctrl+Shift+Up - Move parent dragbar Up.
Ctrl+Shift+Down - Move parent dragbar Down.

 Ctrl+Shift+W - Close the current terminal.

Ctrl+Shift+T - Open new tab

Ctrl+Plus (+) -  Increase  font  size. Note: this may require you to press shift, depending on yourkeyboard

Ctrl+Minus (-) - Decrease font size. Note: this may require you to  press  shift,
 depending   on your keyboard

Ctrl+Zero(0) - Restore font size to original setting.
