James Roe
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I made a plugin for you called liveView, for PyPhantomJS. Please

remember it only works in master (1.3.dev).

You may find the plugin here.


How to use:

To enable: page.liveView.show()

To disable: page.liveView.close()

Please also remember:

- The size of the dialog will only ever be as big as your

viewportSize. So if you to see more, make your viewportSize bigger.

- Also, there is no scrolling, as this behaves exactly as PyPhantomJS

would while in headless mode. There is a scrolling feature in the API

if you need to scroll.

- Lastly, this plugin was only made to see what was going on, and not

to control the web browser from your GUI window; as such, doing that

type of stuff is disabled. This plugin was only made to see what's

going on behind the scenes.

- show quoted text -

On Sep 15, 11:20am, Blake Scholl <bsch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey All,


> I'm attempting to debug some issues with my PhantomJS script, and it would

> be really helpful to be able to see what's going on on the page--not just as

> screencaps, but in realtime.


> Is there a way to pop open a browser window? Not something interactive, but

> just a realtime rendering of the page driven by PJS? I'm happy to hack the

> code to enable this, but could use a few pointers on how to go about it.


> Cheers & thanks,

> --Blake
